Friday, June 27, 2008
To Stephen
wow Buddy 11 years today! I can not believe it is your birthday. Why I don't know. Matthew's being 2 days ago gives me time to remember but it seems like yesterday all the bedrest, the trips to the hospital, being so afraid you would come too early. Being a first time Mom being so very afraid of what it all meant. And being 2000 miles from my own Mom. And not having a clue what labor was going to really be like.
Little did I know I would neve be like most Mom's. My OB came in the hospital room Thur during the day as I had told the nurses to leave and never come back till Daddy came. And she said she would give me food if I was nice. So I was nice all day and she got me some chicken at 11pm. Thinking back now not the best plan.
She also let me get out of bed for a 5 minute shower and a walk to the end of the hall. Also thinking back I should have just stayed in bed and kept you in a bit longer.
But at 2:30 the next morning contractions started and there was no looking back anymore. You were coming. The doctor said she would come check me at noon. Well little man she had to come back as you were not into a slow delivery. And though I never had a contraction closer then 20 minutes apart you still made your grand entrance at 12:20pm. With me sleeping between pushes the whole time. You were so very small buddy.
I look back at you and wonder how you could be that small! Since you are so big now! I remember when Matthew was born thinking you were so big already. Seeing you in pictures then at 6 you were so tiny! I think I had forgot to take you day by day and you just have gotten so big on me now! It amazes me how much you change each year.
As the oldest you get screwed in a lot of ways. Why? Because sorry to say it your Mommy has no clue what she is doing most days. Really I am shocked that those doctors let us take you home with us! And they did! And told us we were doing a fine job! Little did they know we had no clue!
So your Dad and I fumble through we try our best and hope one day you do not look at us and say you sucked at this raising kids Mom and Dad. But no matter we love you buddy even if we are messing up we love you.
The pictures are the first I have of you on the computer. I will have to scan some in to get you smaller. But I will later today to compare then and now. Happy Birthday Stephen! May your day bring you much happiness and I hope no big storms because with 20 people coming to our house for yours and Matthew's party and you having all those boys sleeping here a tent sounds very good to your Mother!
And really we have 1000 water baloons and I am hoping beyond hope they are not getting tossed in our house but outside!
Love you!