today was the last day of school! Can you believe it? It is good to see. Though it was not our best day. Samantha is grounded for a good long time. As she is having to do homework this weekend because she did not find it was needed to brinig it home all this week. She wanted to play instead. So now she is doing work. And she threw out the book she needed to write in so guess what i am making her do all of it again. Front to back and it has to be done by Monday am. So she will be doing it all weekend as sh enees sto draw and color pictures to go with all 10 stories she is writing.
As a Mom this is so hard as I know the end of school is hard to work. But this is not her first time pulling this. And she is going to get another N in laungage if she doe snot finish this by Monday am. And this would be her 4th for the year! It would be one hting if the girl struggled with the work but no she is not working hard at all. She understands it all she just chooses to lie about the homework. But I am not letting her fail 3rd grade because she does not feel the need to do the work.
We went to the farm to see Dad tonight. Mom was out but we brought Shorty the sweatshirts and had supper with Dad. We checked ont he robins. And Samantha sat inside and did homeowrk. She is grounded from her computer till further notice. She is grounded from TV till further notice and she best watch herself or I will find something else to ground her from. I still need to talk to Dennis about if we pull her from soccer. As her reason for not having it done? She did not have the time. I told her I could find her all the time in the world since hse no longer has TV or computer rights. And soccer is optional not somehting I have to allow.
I will post photos fomr the garden and the robins and the sandbox fun in the morning. I am off for an early night as sleep was not plentiful last night.