Yesterday was 12 years and you know we sit here thinking what to do tonight. Our friend Lisa (who is insane by the way) is taking our kids overnight! And we get to go out for our anniversary. But what to do?
It is hard to imagine it has been 12 years. I know a great many people thought we would not make it this far. There were times I wondered how we made it. At 21 and 22 we were so young and and just knew we could do it. But I wonder if at that age if we really knew what it was about? I would not change a think but man we thought we could handle anything. Now at 33 and 34 I know we can we have a 12 years base. We have held each other up through more things. But could we have handle any storm then? I don't know. But I would not have wanted to try with anyone else!
Dennis you have held my hand, cooked me breakfast, stunk up my house, and painted my toes. You have been the best of Dad's and you love your children more then life itself. And you love me and put up with me. Just because we will most likely spend our nigth without kids playing the wii and hanging out at home in quiet does not make me love you any less!
But whatever we do tonight I know that this time next year I will be thinking of what to do once more. As we mark another year. And that my dear is what makes me love you the most. That the kids and I know you will be there standing next to us no matter what.
You know we wrote a poem at our engaged encounter and though it was wrote through eyes of having no clue, it still is true today.
Watch Over Us
As I stand besides you I pray
for each day to blossom as full as this day
May the love we share
carry us through the days we never plan to have
The unity candle we will light together
will glimmer with light
It will also cast shadows,
just as some of our days to follow are sure to have.
May the love reflected in our eyes cast away the shadows,
and allow God's streaming light to sine in our hearts forever.
Today we stand before God, family, and friends
to proclaim a lasting love
You are my friend and will come before all others
I am not saying day after day will be rainbows and sunshine
We cna not have rainbows without some showers
May God bless our love and strengthen our love
each day to come from this day forward
I love you Dennis! And i look forward to another 50 years with you!