Went to see Mom and Dad out at the farm. We check on the garden and our pepper plants. The peppers not looking so great since it has been so dang cold here. His tomato plants look really good though!
We also saw a barn swallow sitting in her nest and I check on the baby robins that we saw the eggs from a few weeks ago. And all 4 of her eggs hatched out and we got to see all 4 of the baby robins since Mommy was not sitting right then.
Grandpa let Matthew and Samantha spend the night so they dug worms and set them in a dish by her so she could feed her babies. And today when Dad brought them home they gave him some more works to take home with him to feed the mommy robin.
Matthew also brought home a tackle box with tackle in it that he wants to go to the cabin and use today. I have seen all the hooks at least 10 times now as he tells me what each one will catch!