Monday, November 24, 2008

Getting ready

the car is almost all loaded. Lisa is packed and almost ready and I am working on the last shirt I need to finish before I can leave and then this family is headed to the pig farm for a week long visit! The kids are looking forward to days of the barn. I am looking forward to time to relax and spend with family.

We are going out for supper with Dennis before we leave. And he will join us in a few days. So if I do not get back on Happy Thanksgiving to you all! And I hope your weekend is safe and fun filled with family and friends!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


See i do have a son who is older and is still alive and kicking! I snuck in there and took the picture or it would not have happened. Poor guy!

reading Dora

Dennis and Mini were reading Dora tonight. (what else could it be) and Mini said the names of the pictures the first time and then she had Dennis say the pictures names the second time and she made up the story!

Christmas Lights

Tonight Dennis and the kids put the lights on the trees out back. And they look really good. And since we do not put the tree up till after Mini's birthday this is it for Christmas decorations till December 14th! But it was not freezing tonight for out the kids went to help get them set up.

Oh Mini

Yea Mini was helping me make a cheese cake tonight for supper. She sat on the counter and would ask for the beaters and then she licked them and she talked me out of the spoon when we were done too yet! The cheesecake did not make it to a second serving as we ate it all for supper tonight!

Silly Silly boy of mine

Oh my Matthew can be a silly thing! I wanted a nice shot fo him and I got the funniest faces and some funny shots of him. Because if you want to get a good shot of him he trys to pose himself and makes the strangest choices!

Matthew got a filling

Matthew had to go get a filling on Thur, his first and I hope his last. it is hard on his Mommy! And him really as his face was numb and the shot hurt. Stephen and Samantha were 9 when they got their first ones. I hope this is it for him!

Taking pictures

Since I take pictures all the time Mini and Matthew like ot take some all the time to! SO the other day Mini was taking one of me and I one of her. And then we took one of us together. Not our best shot but she had a good time!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I know I know

I will get pictures today and post some. I have not been taking to many really. I am too tired. Matthew goes to get a filling done on a tooth this morning. Then we are headed to costco later. I nice boring day in my life is what we are going for today! I will download pictures later and do posts as I have no clue how many are on that camera. Or when I lst downloaded them. Could be scary!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

went to see Mom

She is looking much better. She still has a long way tgo go. I put together a treadmill for her with the help of Dad and Lisa. We started Dad's blanket. I am sure Lisa finished it by now for me. My has a doctor appt today so I will be staying home. Matthew and Mini have dentist appts so by time they are done Iwould ge tno time with Mom between her appt to.

So Dad will have to wait till tomorrow or Thur for his haircut. I have a ton of sewing sitting here waiting for me so I will start working on it again today. The hockey team and the salon and cityview all need my attention right now. So If I do not surfice again for a day or two know I am alive just swamped beyond belief. My house needs my attention right now too. And since next week is Thankgiving week I best get my butt in gear!

Our plans are as up in the air as they can be right now for Thanksgiving this year. I do not know if we will be in Iowa again playing with pigs or at the farm helping MOom. Denpends on a great many things. And none of which are decided right now.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Long update

So I went to see Mom and Dad at the farm on Wed and then I took Nancy home with me to take to bowling. We went to bowling and came home and loaded the kids up. Headed to Iowa but before we even got out of Elk River Dad called. Mom was sick again. So we turned around and headed to the hospital, kids and all. Thinking in a few hours they would have Mom settled again and we would be on the road to Iowa again. And as long as it was nothing major we would go there. As Nancy had to go to work and I was her ride.

I called Dennis 3 hours later and had him come get the kids and swap cars with me. And Nancy and I hungout with Dad at the hospital. We got out of there at 4am and I drove Dad back to Watkins and left his place at 4:30 and then headed back to Elk River as Dennis leaves for work at 6am. I crawled into bed at 5:30am and my kids wanted to know why we were not leaving for the pig farm. And all I wanted was sleep. At got up 2 hours later and we headed out. After checking that Mom was doing ok and they still thought it was just post surgery stuff.

We got to Iowa and we unpacked and I naped for an hour and then to the barns we went. You did not think the kids would let me go a whole day did you? So we went down and we went to bed early. And Fri morning we were in the barns again. I got to help move pigs. Dad called to say they knew nothing new yet. Sat Dennis went ot visit and played cards with Mom and Lisa for the day and today Mom got to come home. Her stomache was not working but it is now. Though she is still not eating a lot. Her blood sugars are running really high right now as is her blood pressure. Pray it all settles back down now that she is home again.

I got home this afternoon and I will head to the farm to see Mom tomorrow morning. I will let you know how she looks then. Sorry for the long delay in an update. nancy had no internet so no updating for either of us.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mom is home

Mom is resting at the farm but she is there and that is what is important right now. I am so very excited that she is out of the hospital. I am heading there tomorrow morning. I will get some pictures of her looking all happy to be out and about!

Craft show

Yea so I stayed up till 3am the night before my craft show. Not so very smart when you are 34 and not a night owl anymore. Lisa took my picture at midnight and I looked bad then. But I got a lot of things done for the show that I wanted done. Lisa helped me price them all and get them all packed up and ready to go for the next morning. At 3 I crawled to bed and passed out for a few hours and then got up and finished another 3 towels. Then Lisa ans I went off to our show and she helped me get everything set nice and looking good!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Homeward bound

Tomorrow that is. Mom will be heading out of the hospital and get to go to the farm. She looked great today. She got her IV pulled just has a hep lock in. And she got food today for the first time! And as long as she did well with it she got to come home tomorrow. And when I left at 2:30 she was doing good with it. I am not going tomorrow. It will be strange not going to the hospital for a day. I know Dad is thrilled to be bringing Mom home. And mom could not be happier to be coming home.

I plan on going to the farm on Wed. And I will be bringing Nancy home withme and taking her Wed night to the farm. I will help her work down there Thur and Fri to help get her caught up down there. Better feel some love! And the kids will miss school on Thur and Fri to go with us. Dennis is going to try and work form down there. So it will be a weekend for us of pigs! And I do not have to worry about Mom as Lisa will be with her and Dad as will Laura and Nate and Amber. And I am sure Shorty will be out and Peter so they can keep her in line for me till I get home.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Update on Mom

Today I went up and saw Mom and she is looking so much better. By time i left they had pulled her cath and they were going to pull the tube from her stomache. She wants to go home but not yet. She is still not eating as of tonight when Linda came home. As she is not farting or making sounds yet.

Kristie she tried tell the doctor she is not a gassy person and your Mom and I almost fell over laughing at her! And reminded her of blaming you for the gas problem when it was her!

She was up walking this morning and got to move to another room! So all good news and then tonight Linda gave me great news her lymp nodes all came back as neg for cancer!

So things are looking up and up for her! But you know this got me thinking. How it is so hard to have faith when bad things happen. It is easy when things are good but you know when each day got worse and worse for Mom with news I thought HELLO are you watching this happen?! What is up with this? Make it go away. Some people say in bad times their faith gets strong. Mine ran away and I was hurt and mad. Today it is easy for me to thank God for his kindness and for watching over my Mom and giving us this great news. I wonder why.

I do not want a picture!

That is what she yelled over and over again but how can you not take one or 4 when she is so dang cute sitting in a bucket of toys, playing by herself. And believe it or not she found her other baby pig! She said she had it at Tia's and sure enough she has her other baby pig now! Very happy girl!

Making pumpkin seeds

We never did get to carve the pumpkins this year so we cut them open last night and we picked out all the seeds and I roasted them after soaking them in stuff. Yea we will call it that as I just tossed some stuff together to soak them in. Then I peeled the pumpkins and cut them up and mashed it and froze 10 bags of pumpkin to make pies with later.
the kids had a good time hanging out and talking with us and playing in gunk!

Went to see Mom

So Matthew, Mini and I went to the hospital yesterday. It is a lot of sitting as while we were there she was sleepy. So the kids and I sat with her and Nancy and Linda and Laura. But she got up and would talk for a bit then sleep some more.
We are waiting for pathology to see if the lympnodes have cancer in them then there will be a new plan.

We also have to see about the pet scan as the spot in her lung is still there. And even though they did not see the spot on her liver it too could still be there. It is a lot of hurry up and wait. Lots depends on pathology. Lots depends on that scan. But for now Mom is getting a little better each day. I am headed up this morning again to see her.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

wonderful news!

Mom got out of surgery and she is doing good. She was still in recovery and it was going to be hours so we came home now. But the doctor said it was the best results they could have hoped for! They did not look at her lungs at all but the colon went good. They took a smal part out and the section with the tumor in it and they attached it all back together again.

They looked for the 2 inch spot in her liver but it could not be felt or seen on u/s. So in a week or so they will do a pet scan to check on her lungs and it will show if the liver has a bad spot in it and then they will do a biopsy then.

So good news tonight and Mom is resting comfortablly there. They expect her stay 4 days. SO I will go see her tomorrow to see how she is doing. But thank you for all the prayers as she did soo good!

Dad looked better tonight now to. So thank you! Now to wait out the pet scan to see what is happening in that body of hers. So much better news then the doctors thought! I love when they are wrong.

At hospital

I am sitting here and playing cards with family. Mom is still in srgery and we are waiting. Waiting and waiting some more. She went in at 2pm and here we are at 6pm and no news. She has extra scar tissue they said so it will be longer then they thought. So sit here we will for awhile longer.

But that it is taking longer is good news. So I will update again when we hear something. Keep praying!

good morning

Yea I forgot the roof was getting fixed. Well not forgot so much as just did not think much on it. This morning they are up on the roof loading it with shingles. Not that they will be doing it today as it is looking like rain soon! But it will be ready for them.

Dennis parked our cars ont he street so we can come and go as we please. Linda will be here in 2 hours. And I got the older 2 off to school. And I have pack for the younger 2 already. I will get snacks together to send with them yet. And I am packing a bag with snacks for us for the hospital.

There was not much sleep happing for us last night. I got my sewing done. I am going to work on a few shirts this morning for the salon yet but they do not need done today but I need something to do. And laundry is taking to long and is not keeping my hands busy enough.

I will update later as I am done for now.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

What the week has been

This is what the week has been. I swear it is how we all feel. Wiped out and spent. At least here it is how we feel. I am finishing up all my stuff and am almost ready for tomorrow. At least with getting what I need done finished. I am not the best at this and I hate every minute of it. So does everyone though. Tomorrow will come soon and I will update when I can but it is expected to be a long surgery so I doubt I will update tomorrow night. The kids are staying with friends and Dennis and I will leave for the hospital as soon as we drop off Matthew at school at 12:50pm. I do not know when we will be back.

Playing cards

We played cards Sunday to and laughed up a storm as Larry and Dennis tried to beat us! And Mom talked to people with the phone upside down. She had a helper in Mini as she stuck close. She may miss out on Grandma handing out food if she lef ther side you never know. I swear the girl eats nothing but never stops eating either!

Baking with Grandma

A trip to Watkins Sunday started as a trip to get twisty bread out of grandma. She made them on Sat. And then Dennis asked ot make sugar pies! Oh yea life is good! And she said with lef tover squash we would make up some pumpkin pie to! Mini got right in on that and had to help out from the start! And of course the end too when it came to eating it. Dennis got right in on making the pie crust and Mom helped him not stick to all of the dough. To bad as he would have been there a lot longer without her help!

Oh the tears!

Making salsa makes the kids cry! Yes the peppers were that strong the other day and just having snack in the same area made the kids cry and theirs eyes hurt! Yikes!


today is about getting my things done. I am going to go vote with Dennis here once the kids are on the bus. He is working from home today as his car window is being fixed. Well they are looking at it anyway. I rolled down his driver window on Sat night and it fell into the door. I felt bad and on Sunday we took the door apart at night and got the window back up but he could no longer get out of his car. Macanics we are not!

So after voting I have 4 shirts to finish for a bowling team. And then my house needs to be cleaned. And scrubbed. it is bad. And tomorrow Linda is coming up to be here for Mom's surgery.

That waiting room will have lots of us in it waiting together. Surgery is at 2pm so if you think of us pray for Mom then. They found a spot on her liver and a spot on her lung too so she will be doing chemo after she heals from surgery. She has a long road and we will be there to walk with her.

Maria I will mail out your coffee cards today to. I forgot to drop them in the mail. So watch for them. My to do list grows but I want nothing left on it after today so I will be busy all day. And really I must admit I am glad. Time goes faster and I really want tomorrow to be done.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Making Salsa

Yea the salsa has gone away so we made more the other day. 18 pints to be exact. And we are going to watkins to get more tomatoes to make some more this week. Yea keep busy will be my goal. I have lots of things to do and I plan to get a lot of them done.

Trick or Treating

Lisa came over with the kids and we went out to get candy. And lots of it! I sent a diaper box full home with her and we have one here too! And we did not go all that dar really! But the kids had soo much fun! Though Dennis said the boys were tired on the way home. They had walked enough and we have way too much candy! It was heavy!

It was a good night and the kids had lots of fun going with friends. We plan to do this again next year with Lisa and the kids as it is soo much more fun with friends!