Friday, November 30, 2007

Our week

So just to catch you up here are the last of the pictures. At least for now.

Matthew I swear is a contortionist! He sat here in this chair playing for the longest time. And kept going back to that postion. It hurt me to watch!

Mini was busying playing with the truck. Much to busy to be smiling for me!

I know I know there are not many pictures of the older kids. I promise to force them to sit. I will get some up of them if it kills them!

The blanket is the finished blues clues one I did for Ashley Kate the little girl from Texas. I think it turned out great!

Nanacy here is the start of the blanket. The stitching alone will take 56 minutes so it will be later this evening before I can get it up to show you how it turned out. It is a big design. He best like it is all I can say!

Brownies go see a vet

We took our brownies to see a vet clinic. I brought all 4 kids as Dennis did not make it home from work. They loved it! The girls got to see x-rays of animals. They got to see where they kennel the animals and do surgery. They loved it all! Mini of course was a big help to carry my purse. She wanted to go home to bed by the end.

Thanksgiving part three

ALl the food we ate was just too much for the kids. Samantha and Matthew went up on the bed and crashed for a few hours to nap! Here is the snow we got to! Matthew wanted to play and play in it. Mind you it is only in patches but he loved it all the same!

Nancy and I went down in the evening to move sows and piglets around. This is a group of them we moved. I love the pigs.

Thanksgiving part two

Nancy and I set up her blog a pigs life and Mini was stinky. So we asked her if she stunk so she tried and tried to smell if she stunk or not! It was funny as all get out. Larry watched football. I have not seen that much football in my whole life all in one day!

Nancy and I stayed in our barn things as we went down to the barn 3 times that day to check on the pigs as a lot were farrowing. One I thought would go did not. And did not either for a few days. Swear pigs got a mind of their own!

Thanksgiving part one

So what does Thanksgiving on the farm consist of? Well we got up and went to meet Nancy and Larry in the barns. They or course were down there for hours before we got down there. We worked with them until 10am. Then it was to the house for showers. I had put the turkey in before I went down to the barn in the morning. Nancy and I had bakes the pies the night before.

The kids and Dennis worked and played on the computers. And we drank plenty of coffee to go with it all. And it was not even lunch yet!

Hanging out in Iowa

The kids love that Nancy and Larry have new games to play. After coming up from the farm each day the kids and Dennis would play for awhile on the computer. We also set up Nancy and Larry's wii for them. And played of course! We had so much fun designing everyones mii's.

Nancy had us pick her up a foam topper for her bed at Costco on our way down. The box was days of fun for the kids! I just love how a box is so many things for kids. The kids had it as a truck and a boat and a train all in one afternoon.

Mini over Thanksgiving week

Mini always says cheese if she sees a camera. So you get these goofy smiles all the time but she will not stop so I guess we have cheesy smiles for awhile!

I am her favorite Mom again as I found her these dora shoes. She is in love with them. Do take note I did not allow her to wear them down to the barn as the shoes you wear there stay there.
She had so much fun down there that I am sure she will be happy when it comes time to go visit Iowa again.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

catch up

Just so you know the mighty hunter went out last weekend and has returned home now. He had a shot at the biggest buck he has ever seen. The buck is alive and well. Dennis did not shoot him.

The kids had conferences on Monday. They are both doing great at school. Stephen needs to work at writing neater. Samantha needs to work at that too and on her attitue at school when the teacher corrects her. She then takes issue with that. I have no clue where my daughter would get that from. Must be her father as her Mother is nothing like that at all.

Monday night we showed up in Iowa to visit with Nancy and Larry and we will be here till Friday morning. Off to the barns we went this morning. Matthew made me help him and we picked up all the dead babies to put in buckets.

Samantha went off with Lacy to take care of the Mommies and babies. Stephen went off with the men to take care of the greasy pigs. And Dennis and Mini went off to watch the sows get brought in to farrow. And then they went and loaded some and brough gilts in. We will once again be off at the barn tomorrow and I will get pictures of the new babies.
So you are all cught up with us once more. I will pdate tomorrow night. I hope I ave the cord to upload pictures.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

where have I been?

I know some of you are wondering where I have been what I am doing since I am not posting lots. Well between work and kids and Denis and the house. I decided to go nuts and try a craft fair. I had my first one last Sunday and my next is next Saturday. Well inbetween all of that I have made 17 scarves for the Elk River Hockey team and put their names on them. I am putting their numbers on these hats. (no I did not make the hats) I just put the number on them. I did all these tonight. I still have 4 more to do in the morning of the hats.

I also made this sports fleece blanket for a Mom in hockey. And now it looks like I may just be making more of them too. So Monday I will have to buy the fleece for one more for sure. We will see if I get any more orders. I am rather proud of me on the blanket as I took a pattern of the hockey sticks copied it and moved it around then designed it all on the machine! I love that blanket!

And the quilt I am working on. I plan to finish this week to as I want it mailed out. It is for a little girl who had a liver and intestine transplant. And she is back in the hospital for rejection. She loves Blue's clues and I want her to have a blanket ot cuddle with while she watches her show. As I can not imagine spending months int he hospital! Her name is Ashley if you want to say a prayer for her. I will post her site a different night as really I just want to sleep right now.

so tired

I am not sure if I am typing this about her or me. But we are both oh so tired so what am I doing up? I wanted to get caught up on here.

I have lots to say but I will only get a few posts done tonight as I am in need of crawling into my bed. As this 1 am stuff is for the birds!

Mini was so tired and kept laying down on her blanket and was oh so cute so I would go to take a picture of her but she is all into the picture smile when she sees a camera. So she kept saying CHEESE!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Mini in Piggys!

Yep i got her to hold still long enough to put piggys in and she was soo stinking cute in them too yet! Though you all know I suck at hair so notice the part in back is not straight she did not mind and she walked around and let them stay in. So there she is all cute and her curly hair even stays in there and she must be getting more hair as the sides even went in.

What eating can look like

Yes Chocolate pudding an a 23 month old and a 4 1/2 year old make for funny funny pictures and lots of giggling as we clean up. But they loved it and we bragged them up for how good they did all by themselves.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The deer hunter returned

I am proud to say Dennis has returned and he is busy back at work. He got home Sunday night while I was at work but I got to chat with him on his way home.

He got a buck and a doe and the party got 5 total! So a good weekend of hunting was had by all. He will go up third weekend now. And I hope he brings the camera so we have pictures. As he has a few on his phone of his buck but that is it right now.

So maybe he will bless us with photoes maybe not I will have to wait and see. he did say he could download them off the phone to the computer but I am not holding my breath as he has to work late Wednesday and Friday this week. So we will have to see when they get off the phone.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Halloween Night

So here are the pictures. You see Matthew as Tigger and You see Samantha as a witch. You see Mini crying and what her costume was. We had forgot to get photos before tricker treating and when she got home we got her out remembered photos but she was not getting back in it. Tired babies not all for getting dressed again. Though she had a great time saying trick or treat and people loved her as a pink poodle! Then you see Stephen as batman! He loved having all the muscles!

So there you have it Nancy my kids on Halloween. Samantha broke her bag and lost half her candy but I still sent a whole pampers box of candy to the cabin for deer hunting!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

family movie night

That is what we are doing tonight. Dennis is deer hunting so we will have friends over and watch movies and stay up watching them. Not too late as I work tomorrow and I am hoping my head feels magically better by then. Maybe if Maria and I win the lottery it will clear on its own! Ok maybe not.

Anyway I will catch up with pictures as I have some of the kids in costume. Well most of them anyway. Long story for another post.

I am alive

That is all I can say. I am alive. Mini and I have this horrible cold. no you do not need to say I sound terrible I know. No you do not need to say I look like death warmed over. I have figured it out all on my own. The only consulation is you can not die and feel this bad I am sure of it.

Mini is sick to. I nebbed her last night and she sounded a lot better. SO I am thinking she iwll be nebbed a few times a day to get her over the hump. Just to be safe and I would rather be safe then end up with her getting something bad.

So do not come visit as I have germs along with Mini. Of course the 3 older ones did not get it or Dennis. They did not get the last cold Mini and I got either. I do not know what it is about this cold season but it seems to be a bad one. Mini is on her third cold for the season and me my second.

Anyway I will post pictures from halloweeen and all that fun but not today or at least not right now. My head may fall off if I sit looking at this computer screen much longer.