yea I have many pictures to share from this weekend but for today the storm is what I will post on. The first picture is of the storm coming in when the sirens were going off. The second is the huge rain drop we saw land on the deck as it came in. But we could hear them hitting the trees and then a golf ball size hail stone hit right by Dennis and shattered.
I got one of my tomatoe plants after the storm. We had moved them up against the house but the storm blew in and shredded them. Poor things. I doubt I will be getting any cherry tomatoes now.
Matthew and Rose went in the hail and played once it stopped and the one out the garage door is of the hail coming down. I am really surprised we did not have more broken glass then just the light. It hit the sliding doors so hard and often I was shocked they did not break.
We had been sitting by the fire not long before the storm hit but it became a lake and my fire went out. Lots of rain and hail but we were lucky and Elk River avoided the tornado once more. I am glad we are not digging out of our house being ripped apart like so many down south are. So I will end and say Happy Memorial Day and I hope you are all safe today to!