Oh a trip to the airport canbe good bad or ugly. Our trip down was really a good one. not too much traffic. We moved along the whole time. We dropped off Lisa and guess what i think everyone and their brother decided to get onthe freeway! We were lucky for the most part we moved and did not have stop and go just slow. The other side was really bad most of the trip home.
I did a really good look at the carlson buildings as we were going slow. They are just neat to see. better in the sunshine as they seemt o glow but well this is Minnesota after all and no sun was coming out to play.
Matthew and Mini not so happy listening to Mom's music so we put on the DVD (Thanking Dennis once more for talking me into this thing) And then we were all smiles! And when we got home we got to have an hour nap to! But the kids were wanting out on the playset but the rain just did not let up. That is until we had to load up the kids for boy scouts and then soccer. Samantha had bowling so Tia picked her up to yet and left.
We did not get back home until 8:30 last night so then off to bed. So today i will be sure they get time out there. Though Matthew has his first soccer game tonight as does Samantha. Should be a good time!