soyou would think a simple sandbox would take less time and effort then the whole swingset. In this household not so much so is the answer to that thought! For one thing Dennis and I are not arpenters that is for sure. Things go much faster with Dad ro Jim here to tell us what in the hell we are doing. But we got through it.
We went and bought the wood, brought it home, measured it a few times, cut it, then recut it. Then we got it in. Then we took it out and recut one more time and then got it right, The posts to put the bench we did good. Dennis measured cut and made a whole pile of them and we got them all in. It just took us longer then we thought. Notice the picture of Dnenis it was getting dark out. So we stopped before getting the benches vut and put on.
But we got sand in the sand box and Dad brought me more today so it is full of sand and the kids love it. So I am sure my carpets will be full of sand soon!