Friday, May 09, 2008

birth control

OK no worries this is not a debate. But I swear Mini is the best birth control God ever came up with! I will download pictures later but not pretty is all I can say of my bathroom tonight as we sat outside by the fire while all the kids were in bed sleeping except her. Well she was in bed but we went outside to sit by the fire with Jim and Kay and well not good.

It involed toothpaste, painting, my walls, cubbards, floor and counters! But my bathroom smells like bubblegum! And I must say I handled it better then most times. I think I best let the kids have some slack they are kids and I am sure I did just as stupid of things in my day. So why should they not get away with it to. It is hard to remember sometimes that they too are little.

So more updates tomorrow morning before the monumental task of building a playset happens.