Thursday, March 20, 2008


I am amzed at how quickly Mini has taken to potty training. She has only had 2 accidents in the last almost 3 days! I ams o proud of her and it is nice to be done. She has gone out and about with no issues yet and even told someone last night. I do not wear diapers only undies!

So my baby is a big girl now and loving it.

Dad I mailed you a package. No letter as I sealed it before I remembered to write one sorry!

Jeff and Mandie your cookies are on the way to you.

Ernie your cookies are also on the way to you.

Other then that we are doing good. Dennis will have a birthday next week and he starts his new job Monday. The kids have off after today until the monday or tuesday after Easter. I do not know what we have planned exactly yet except that we will join family for Easter dinner.

Have a good day everyone! I am picking up the kids Easter gifts today so running is what is in store for today.