I want to start this post out with everything came out great for her! She is doing good and her new glasses will be here in 10 to 12 days.
Now the whole story. She had failed both of her eye exams at school. Which after only 6 months of wearing new glasses raised a flag. So we took her in and the eye doctor thought she was making up that she could not see. As he said the machine gave them a new perscription but when he put that on her she could not see at all yet.
then he dialated her eyes and he said the dreaded OH... he said that with her focus all knocked out from that they came up with a totally different perscription. That she needed therapy on her eyes. HUH?
I took her to the ped the next morning and she sent us to the specialist since the eye doctor couldnot get her close to 20/20 vision. And they happen to get her in ths morning and she is good! The glasses she is wearing now are way to strong not too weak for her and by trying to make the perscription stronger it made her focusing isse worse. So the lady today got her right eye to 20/20 and her left which is near and far sighted and has asigmatism in it to 20/25. She said if it gets worse we will patch they other eye but for now we will only have to watch it!
Way better then what the eye doctor had me scared of. Anyway I think I owe God more then one apology after this week. And some extra thanks too. So Nancy thank you for the prayers and I will be back to blogging away now as I do not have to stress about anything now.
Stephen is good and feeling better well he is on vicodin and is funny as all get out but he is eating soup up a storm and he is feeling much better between meds. Samantha is good Matthew is good and so is our Mini.
I need to blog about Dennis and a new job but that will have to come at a different hour and i need to get ready for work. Which is driving me nuts to. I am not made to work so many nights. I plan on getting down to 3 nights a week here soon.