Sunday, March 30, 2008

I have 4 children

There as you see i do have 4 children that still live with me. I know they do not all get as many photos of them as they used to but that is because they hide from me I think. I am sure there are days that they would choose the lady on the corner over me. Without knowing her name.

But they are mine and they are stuck with me as their Mother. Notice Samantha has her new glasses on. They are (guess) yep you are right pink on top and then blue ont he bottom if you take them off and look at them upside down. (Who would do this I have no clue) But we bought them at Costco and she likes them and that is all I care about really. She wears them she can see with them on and I do not have to worry about them getting broke. (why you may ask?) well because I took her old pair in and had them make her a second pair. They should be here next week sometime. As I do not think that they will never be broken again. Mini lives in the house and she broke one pair by throwing a book at Samantha's head I do not dare dream she will stop being like that anytime soon.

As for Matthew notice the lovely schratch he has. From what you may ask? No clue he just came in with it. That boy is all into sports. He and Samantha and Stephen start soccer here at the beginning of May. Thank goodness as he can run off some energy! School gets out for him at the end of April and he starts soccer then next week. But here is the kicker he wants to have started last week. So we will be sending him outside any chance I get to run run run!

You will notice Mini got to have 2 pictures taken of her. Yep because she had to show you she had fingers and I tried pretend taking the photo but then she wanted proof of the picture as she knows the camera has review and she wants to see all photos of herself! So I thought I best show you her fingers or she may have learned to read in the last few days and she will get after me on that too yet!

Many of you have asked how Stephen has been doing! I want to say great! I have noticed a huge change in him. He sleeps all night without getting up but maybe once to pee at night. he sleeps in past 6am! His voice is clear!