I want to thank everyone who has helped make today go smooth for Stephen. Maria and Kristie came down to help watch Mini and Matthew. they ended up with Samantha to as she threw up once more last night so she is home from school today.
The first photo is right after he came back from recovery. And his popsicle and then him a few minutes ago upstairs. He will be hanging out in the recliner a lot till he gets to feeling better but even now he is working hard on a smile for me!
He is feeling ok really. He is on pain meds every 4 hours and he did eat some soup for me for lunch at 3pm. They told us to expect him to throw up once so we are all just waiting for that one.
I took the night off so we will hang out here at home and do nothing. He played some games earlier and now is reating watching tv. Since he is living in a chair not too much is happening right now.
I will let you know how he is doing later once the dugs they gave him wear off and he is on just the drugs they sent home with him.