Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thank you God

Sleep I got some sleep last night! Matthew did not get up except to take pain meds 2 times! And once he did not really wake up too much. I got to sleep for hours straight! No one woke me up! Thank you thank you God! I feel soo much better today. After a full week of no sleep really it was getting bad in this house.

Anyway I will try to do an update later today. I have things to do like drive to Mom andDad's. Cut Dad's hair and then bring miss Lisa back here to my place. I have teaching her and Lisa C to make cake balls. And since they both wanted to learn so much easier with both here. And it just so happens that Lisa C needs some for school. So we will be making them htis afternoon.

Tonight we are renting a movie and watching it. Dennis hopes we can find Bride wars to rent. So we will see. But I will try to update when I am bored with watching a movie. You know me. And I may just get those pictures downloaded by then!

Matthew is feeling much much better he seems to have crossed that line of feeling good finally! He still complains of his ears hurting but it is nothing like it has been. I knew this day would come but it seemed to take forever!

So I am off and I will return and I will return much happier I know!