Thursday, April 16, 2009

Matthew at Children's

Matthew never got that he went form one hospital to another. He never remembered he rode in an ambulance. He thought he got a bear and balloon from Children's. It came from Mercy. He slept. I was so glad.

We arrived at Children's at 2am. Yea we looked bad already by that point. I will not scare you with the shots by 5 or 6 am. It is not good looking!

How is it such a small cute little tummy could cause soo very much trouble on such a cute little boy I am not sure. And his tummy looked no different. But something was sure going on in there.

The sedative worked most of the night on Matthew he slept from 11pm till 7am with very little breaks of waking up. Mostly just to throw up and go back to sleep.

I spent a lot of the night watching his Sat's and his heart rate. Whenever it went to 130 he threw up. I got good at watching it. And his o2 made me nervous as it would never go above 97 and would drop as low as 85% but then you just shook him a bit and reminded him to breath and he was fine.

me and that clock hated each other. I swear the time moved slower just to bug me. It never seemed to get later and tests to forever. I hate waiting have I ever said that?

Yea what else do you do at night sitting by a bed but take pictures of a clock so you know when things happened.

Dennis passed out for a short time. I know I did too a few times. Our head resting next to Matthew and just passed out hoping the night would pass and news would come. A lot of waiting and not knowing what was going on.

At 7:30am Matthew woke and finally felt good! I mean good! And so we went for an x-ray and then an u/s to be sure the obstruction had really cleared.

you want to know what put this happy smile on a little boy?

getting to have a drink for the first time in 19 hours! And since he kept it down we were out of there and on our way home!
Now we just have to keep an eye on him that it does not come back. He goes for a follow up today to have his ped just take a look at him. I will be glad to see her.
Thank you God for watching our son as we sat waiting. I know it was all the prayers that were being said for Matthew while we were in there that made this correct itself and no surgery or anything was needed.
Now next week is a trip to the hospital for his tonsils and adenoids. I am so not looking forward to that after this.