Friday, April 10, 2009

potty training

So I have not talked about it as it seems when I say how good my daughter and my puppy are doing at potty training they would go back to peeing on my floor. yes both of them. But Mini has been in undies now since October. And for the most part is doing great at it so I would consider her 100% trained now. But trained is not what happened in this house. It came down to. My Mom got sick I was focused on her and what we needed to do there and I put Mini in pull ups and never mentioned the potty again. And you know what? She trained herself. She asked to go potty and would hold it till we got to the hospital to go potty. She stayed dry for 2 weeks and I told her she needed to go to undies. And she had a hard time at first but then she got tinkerbell undies and she was all on board. And she never looked back. We still have odd accidents because well sometimes the potty the fartherest from you seems like a good plan. And then in hind sight not so great. But we are working on that to. A few times she found it funny to pull said undies down and squat in my toy room and living room and pee. Marking her territory from the puppy I guess. But that too we got over.

And as for our puppy at almost 10 months old her has gotten really good at the whole potty thing. Outside and off my pavers! Though when it was 30below he peed on the pavers and really I did not blame him get the job done and get back in the house. Now that is is nice out he take froever to find that perfect spot to pee again. Now the new job is to teach him to stay in my yard or I will never let him out again! As he finds the middle of the road an awsome playzone!