Tuesday, April 14, 2009

frustrated with doctors

Ok can I say sometimes I think doctors think families with insurance have unlimited money. That our insurance pays 100% of visits and therefore really not a big deal to have to come back everyday or so to fix something they did that really I knew was wrong in the first place.

I just want to scream! Mini and her ear infection are driving me batty. I took her into urgent care yesterday because once again I could not get into our clinic. Which in itself is driving me nuts that half the time we have to go to urgent care which costs us more anyway. So we go to urgent care and yes she has an ear infection.

So the doctor says we will put her on amoxicillin. I told her we had that a month ago. I thought it had to be at least 6 months before she goes back on that. She said no as long as we knew her ear was better form it we would use again. OK maybe I am wrong here.

So I leave and call her reg ped and check before buying an antibiotic I do not think will work. Her nurse calls back and sure enough nope she would not give that but she will not call in a different prescription without seeing her which can not be done till the next day. Yea so I have a choice. Listen to her cry for another night with no meds or give her the meds and bring her in the next day still and get a new med then. OK great so now because I could not see my reg doctors I get to pay 3 doctor visits in the end and 2 meds co pays.

Yea we are made out of money and it is a good thing our money trees in the back are in bloom because between Mini and Matthew The doctors are making out his year!

OK my rant is done. And we are looking into different clinics where you can be seen same day and all that fun stuff. I hate this. Have a good day everyone! As it is sun shining weather here and i plan to enjoy it all!