Ok so not toys really but they are nice! On wed the guys from teh Home Depot brought me my new washer and dryer! And Wed nigesday night while I bowled Kent and Dennis set up the dryer for me. As we have a gas dryer the Home depot does not set them up!
Anyway they look beautiful and I love the white and they are shiny clean and run so very quiet! So I had laundry from Sat til Wed to do on Thur and my Mom came to visit and she was amazed at how much we had. I think she forgot how much she did on a weekly basis when we were all home! SO we did laundry and embroidered all day thur. but today I have no dirty laundry can you believe it?! And it did take a lot less loads then on my top loader!
Mini too loves her the washer and dryer as she loves to start them for me when we load them all up. As long as she does not run them without me I am fine with the help!
She did help switch the laundry from washer to dryer and when she was putting Dennis wet socks and boxers in the dryer she told Mom that her Daddy peed on them that is why they were wet! I about fell over and Mom was laughing hard to! And each time we switched the load over after that we laughed as we kept thinking of it!