So I always keep a list of things I need to do on the machine. What shirts for who and all that. Well I was so very proud of me I had it down to only 3 things. Then Lisa came and I had her make a list of the towels that she wanted and then Larry and Nancy had me add a few shirts. Then I added 2 for Mark and then 1 for Jim and 1 or 2 for Dad. Well then Dennis wants one from the wild and I need another one. Well you get the idea.
My list is now 2 pages long. In the last 2 days I have managed to knock out one page. The list for Lisa is done as of tonight. I will start work on the other page tomorrow when the shirts all come in that I ordered. The towels were a big project for me as they were almost all 90 minutes a piece. So yesterday I worked 16 hours on the machine but they turned out really nice. I did 3 day that are not in the picture.
What do you do while the machine runs? Well i made Mini three dresses. She loves them as they are dancing dresses. She has wore 2 of them now and I am sure the next one will go on tomorrow. But it is nice to see the list moving in the right direction again. I have 6 small projects to do in the morning then my shirts will be in and I can start on those. By tomorrow night I should have a good dent in the first page to. Dennis shakes his head at me but I really do like it.