Our weekend will be a busy one here as always. Tomorrow the kids bowl and then we head to Duluth to visit Laura and on Sunday I have a baby shower up there for the twins and then home Sunday evening as the kids have school monday and I go pick up my sister lisa!
To say that that excites me is an understatment! I miss her so very much and that she will be here when Mom has surgery means a lot to me. This trip was planned before all this came to be but it came at the perfect time. As next Friday gets closer I am sure her and I can find things to get into to keep up busy and not thinking too much.
I talked to her today and she has projects for us to do on my machine and I have some to do for her to. And just in general catching up.
So I will have to bring pictures back from our little weekend getaway once more. So have a good weekend and if I can I will blog from up there!