Friday, December 05, 2008

Oh the love

Oh I know we have mentioned her love before but Thanksgiving we left it at the mall on our way to Iowa. Yea not good! Dennis saved the blanket but he was not coming down for 2 days! Two very long days! The first night took her 3 hours to go to sleep without that blanket. Three very long hours! I had stopped at Walmart on the way down to see if I could find one kinda like hers. She picked one out and would lay with it but said it does not smell it doe snot feel the same. Oh how I love that blanket of hers. I wish Ihad another one to keep in the car for emergencies!

But come Wed night Dennis brought her back her blanket and she fell in love with it all over again and let me say I have a wasted blanket sitting at my house. As she has not touched the new ones since her best friend came back to her. And do not think I do not know that I rate lower then that blanket. She smelled all over that blanket this week to be sure it is still there. And it has not left her hand for very long this week either. We will not leave home without it again!

Why oh why did Target get rid of this series of blankets?!