Saturday, December 27, 2008

Busy making memories

The kids are busy playing with new toys. I am busy sewing. Check out the embroidery blog to see the new things I am doing. And Dennis is getting ready to break things tomorrow and Monday with Ernie! I know can you believe it?

We have had Lisa and Allen here since Friday morning and they are staying till tomorrow. Mom and Dad are coming for lunch and so is Ernie. He will be staying till tuesday morning early. So lots of company and all that fun stuff. I am sewing underwear for Shorty so he has some New Years ones so I am busy with that tonight. But I am hoping to get most of it done here so I can head to bed soon!

This Christmas has been a good one. Strange I would say but good none the less. I am trying hard to be thankful for everything and not look to far in the future. I want to take life day by day but man sometimes that is hard to do. We have some big doctor appt coming up. For me, for Mom, for Samantha and for good measure Dad has one too! I am praying 2009 is a healthy healthy year for us. And stress free and happy and settled and oh so many things. Each year it seems I am ready to see the end of that year as the one before seemed hard. But each year the next one seems so much harder for me. And then my kids are bigger and I never know where the time has gone. So I want to take it day by day but that for me is a big one I will be working on for the rest of my life.

So for tonight I leave you with pictures below and pictures of sewing on the other blog and the ramblings of a tired Mom. Good Night!