I am sitting here updating this blog of course, but I have a big day ahead of me.
I am doing load after load of laundry. Ihave put away all the laundry I did last week and the kids are doing the same for theirs. I am also starting the packing game. I should be done by this afternoon.
We are supposed to go canoeing down the Mississippi but I do not know what the rule is on rain and all that stuff. Because in all honesty I do not want to canoe in the rain. But it may just clear up by 4pm.
I also want to make my kids t-shirts. Why? Because I have made everyone and their brother a shirt but not my kids in a long time. So I will take one child at a time and let them pick a design and do it together. I will show the results later. As I need to do them and I want them done by this afternoon to! I love days like today when I know I will get things done. Why? Because I have an agenda and a list. Oh how I love me a list to go off of. Well and it does not hurt I have to stay home to wait on DHL to pick up a package, it is raining so who wants to go outside and play in a sandbox really?!