Friday, January 09, 2009


I thought I had posted about miss Samantha but I may have had the conversation in my head 100 times and did not put it on here. And it all came up wwhen Mom was going for surgery and recovery so it could have easily been left to the side.

Last May Samantha had her first x-ray for scoliosis. Her back was at a 10-12 degree curve only so a repeat x-ray in 9 months was ordered. Which would be here in Jan with her reg ped. But this summer Samantha went form riding her bike just fine and no pain to her right foot turn inward by about 45 degrees and her left foot starting to turn inward. And it hurt to ride her bike enough that she stopped. And where before we could not really see the curve it is visible now. Where her shoulder blades are a few inches apart when you look at her back. One sits higher then the other. And you can see a C in her back. So I know the numbers will be worse just not sure how bad. And we need to find out if her legs are seperate form the back or if her back and turning all of it. So she sees Dr Walker on Monday to let us know what is happening with her. And I am not sure what good news would be really. Nothing is wrong? And she has to learn to deal with it. Her back is getting worse wait it out. Kids are cruel or it is bad enough for surgery? Where I have to let them take my daughter and put her in a lot of pain. Really all of this hurts my head. But she is fine over all she just is having a harder time running and you all know how hard of a time she had before!

Anyway monday will bring us answers. I will post when we get home. But I expect that to be later rather then sooner.