Yes it is my new refrigerater is here and in! I hooked up the water line. I sanded off some of the top cubbard and it is in! I am soo stinking excited! I want to put food in it. but I am waiting to let it get cold first. I do not have to walk to the basement to get milk! Well as soon as I walk down there and go put it in my new FRIG!! I will take more picture soon and post them. But I must go admire my handy work!
I do not know that you should be so excited over something but I am. I love me my new frig and I love that it means I can move my food back to the main level of my house! Thank you to Lowes for sending toe 2 nice men out to bring it into my house and put it all together because without you I would still have no stinking frig!