Saturday, February 28, 2009

it strikes again

you know I am tired. Tired of kids who are sick. Tired of writing that they are sick. And I know you are tired of reading posts when someone is sick. Matthew caught the 24 hour flu from Samantha. But really why does no one get it at 8am and then be done throwing up at night no they catch it at night and stay up all night throwing up! Seriously we need to have a talk about this.

So yea I am back to having to stay home. Poor Matthew feel yucky. He is trying a popscicle right now. Lets hope it stays down. I am going to clean the house and lysol it all. Carpets door handles everything in hopes of no one else getting it.

So yea I have nothing else for you all on the whole chatting part. Oh someone asked for the website to little miss matched.
That should work if it shows up I tend to have trouble posting links which is why I never post any for you guys.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Little Miss Matched socks

So back in the day when Mini was this little itty bitty baby, well ok a tiny 1 year old who got into everything. And Dennis had a job in Oregon and we were moving back there. He had gone on a trip to Oregon for a week to work. And Andrea gave him a gift for our little girl. They were 3 socks. You must remember me saying how it drove me nuts as I loved the socks but they were purposely mismatched! I loved those socks they stay on they fit great but they were different colors! Drove me batty! Well fast forward to now and Dennis called his sister to find out where she got them and could she be a sweetheart and find him a new set for Mini as you know the others had holes in them and I was throwing them in the garbage and he was going to fall over as he lvoed these socks. And he loved that they did not match! (do not ask how we ever got together)

So of course she remembered where and of course she could get a set. But me being me ask that she please for the love of all good things get 2 sets so i could match them. And Dnenis could not match them and we could stay married for a few more years in peace! Well this week I got a bax and I was afraid very very afraid as I heard talk of tights that did not match. I heard lots of talk of options! And I knew my dear husband really wanted tights that did nto match. So I was shocked to open this box and find not 1 pair not 2 pair but lots of pairs of socks and not just for Mini!

there was a sock coin purse for Samantha there were 2 sets of socks for Mini so I could match them if I wanted to, and a scarf for me. There was a set for Matthew, a set for Stephen and a set for Dennis! Ok the ones for Dennis made me laugh. Even tired and having sick kids int hehouse htis made me laugh. And everytime I saw his feet yesterday I laughed! So Andrea you are the very very best and we love you dearly for making a day that was so yucky such a good one! And the kids love the socks and we have gone to the website to check out the options. Oh I am liking the site and the socks so very much! Thank you!

Happy 75 Years Mom!

I know I could not be with you on your birthday. Sick kids and snow storms got in the way. But I thought about you! I know you spent the morning packing. You all may be wondering why she was packing. It is because on Monday morning Mom will be flying to AZ! Yes, Shorty and Mom are going to visit Dad. And Mom is staying there. I know the weather will be good for her. And really the surprise ticket is worth it!

She is being a good sport about it and since she has Shorty to help in the airport she is ok with it to. So make sure you give Mom a call and say Happy Birthday and know that come Monday morning she will be in AZ with Dad.

You know planning this was fun! Should do it more often!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Same story new kid

Yea that is my attempt at funny today. Last night I went bowling and you will not believe this but at 11pm the same time as Matthew 1 week before I woke to a sick child. No not Matthew, not Mini but my Samantha throwing up. Of course they have to do it with me. And Me being me had to join her. Thank God I drank water last night. Smarter then you think I am!

But poor Samantha continued to throw up and dry heave all night. And just now has kept down 1/2 of a popscicle. Yea not the best but it is the start. And of course after throwing up 20 or so times her throat was sore. So off to make sure it was not strep. It is not it is not an ear infection. But her sore throat is making her ears hurt. Yea good time, good times. Thank you God for making my mom too tired to come see me yesterday as she does not need this too.

But My mom turned 75 today! And I have a whole post on her. But not right now. Because I am tired. So tired I talked to 3 people but do not know who they were. So if I talked to you sorry!

Andrea we got the box form you and I have a post on that to. This post can be my reminder!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

kids hats

I found some hats on clearence and rathe rthen putting names on the hats the kids picked a design. That way we knew whose hat was whose. Then Dennis needed his hat to have a design on it. Of course he picked the same one as Stephen so we had to pick a new color but it came out fine. Mine, mine is plain and no design on it.

but the kids love their hats and they wear them all the time. Including just sitting watching TV. I may have to go back and get a few more hats to have on hand.

The benifit tournament

On Sunday I bowled in a benifit tournament for a friends son. I did well the first game and I bowled well really all three games but the third game I through 5 splits! Yea 5! I won the award for most splits for the day. But it was fun and we had a really good time bowling.

? what was she thinking?

I would love to know what is going on in that head of hers sometimes! She came downstairs to show me she got her hat on by herself. But she forgot to get anythng else on. And not only that she say no reason to get anything else on. A hat. A hat is good right?

Cold boy

Even when sick the sick one just had to go play outside. And of course waited till he was good and cold to come back in the house. But it was above freezing and it was good to let him out for a while. Today it is beautiful out and after naps I promised him a chance outside again. And tomorrow he is back to school!

Yeah they are that much better. My Mom called yesterday and she said she has a cold now to. But I am glad she did not get it from us. But I will be calling to check in on her later today again to see how she is feeling.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

people are feeling better

the kids are getting better each day. Matthew still sounds a bit rough but he will live. I am bowling in a tournament today. I have pictures to upload. I will get them up here. And I hope to report that I bowled well later. Since I bowled so very bad last Wed.

Friday, February 20, 2009

My little sick people

Matthew looks much better today though. Though once more he is off sleeping. Mini is way better today! Her cough sounds great and is dry today rather then gunky. And she slept all night! I love sleep!

Matthew slept most of the night and he said the hic ups in his ear are gone. And thankfully it did not rupture!! Thank you God! But his cough is still really wet and gunky. His nose is stiffy and he is still really tired. I do believe he is on the mend though. So today for the first time in a long time I sat at my embroidery machine and sewed away an afternoon. It was good to get back to it.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

doctor appts

so this morning both kids went in and both kids have ear infections. They are hoping Matthew's does not burst before the antibiotic kicks in. I say it is 50/50 right now as it still hurts lots and he crys from the bubbling it is making in his head.
Mini had a lot of wax that made hers hurt worse then it should have. So they had to flush it out. Then they could see the infection. So both are on meds and I hope with a second dose in them tonight that they can sleep. We took a couple hour nap this afternoon. Mini is still sleeping. Matthew and I got woke up by the older kids coming home from school.

Tired it what we are but they will be on the mend soon and then sleep should come. Thank goodness for that.

you can not make this up

So yea now i am waiting on hold to make an appointment for Mini as her ear is hurting and she is crying. I wonder if me crying will help? Because really not having been to bed yet and having 2 crying sick children is not making me want to smile that is for sure. But I am not going to let my patience run out with them as I know they hurt. But if you read this do not call tomorow as I hope to sleep sometime. Someday and if i am I will not be a happy woke up person.

oh help me

Matthew got up at 11pm crying and crying. It appears my son has an ear infection. So we are awake tonight. I am thinking I will be pulling an all nighter. Yea sucks to be in this family. We are going to a clinic in the morning I have never been to. But what do you do when you son just crys from the pain? I guess he is not better or not getting better yet. i was hoping this cold was going to be behind us soon!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

no it is not pee in the cooler

so the other night I thought you know I will grab the beer out of the cooler and bring it in. Well oops that did not happen. It was frozen into the snow Dennis had packed in there at my birthday. It froze my beer! And I lost 4 bottles! So it looked like someone had gone pee in my cooler. So I had a bigger mess then I thought to clean up.

Monday, February 16, 2009

A mask for Mini

When I took Mini into the doctor they made her wear a mask. As whoppig cough is showing up all over the area I guess. So because of her cough she had to wear this little mask. So stinking cute. Though it freaked Twitch out a bit. And she did not like it. But I still thought she was a cute sick girl.

the faces of sick

Yea they do not feel good. Today Mini is feeling a bit better though. She is watching TV still and not running but she is not coughing so hard either. Matthew is laid out flat still. He got up for a few hours this morning and has been sleeping that last few hours again. Butthankfully he only threw up 3 times yesterday and none today yet. Nights are rough here though. Mini is sleeping now again thankfully. Because really 2 up all night was getting really hard on me. But she slept last night so I only had Matthew up.

I am dreaming of sleep when I sleep. How sad is that. I dream that someone got up with my kids. And then am amazed when they are still crying. But I got to sleep in this morning. I feel human after a shower and am determined to move today. To get something, anything done. Wish me luck!

Father Daughter Dance

Samantha had her first Father Daughter Dance on friday night. Oh she was excited! And Dennis was a good sport. He got her a wrist band but it was at tia's house so I have no pictures of it. And they danced for the 2 hours. I know she had a blast and it meant a lot to her that she got to go with Dennis alone.

Friday, February 13, 2009

sleep? who needs stinking sleep?

Not me says I!! Mini did not sleep again last night. I took her to the doctor this afternoon to make sure she did not have strep. Nope she did not just a bad cold. Let it run its course for now.

I wrote this the other day. And never sent it because Matthew came down with her cold and this morning started throwing up. So yea no time and no sleep to get the whole writing done in.

Friday thankfully everyone slept pretty good. Last night not so much again and then Matthew woke me up with puking in my bed. I hope it was a one time deal but from the sounds in his stomache I would say not going be the case.

But I will try and download pictures later from the father daughter dance. Samantha was beautiful and had an amazing night with her Dad.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

making valentines

Stephen and Samantha made up the Valentines for school on Monday. Yea I am behind on this blog. I need to get to writing everyday again.

The kids all have parties at school tomorrow. Matthew included. He only had to cut out the names for his. I have to go wake Stephen. I will update more tomorrow. See who wins the fight of going to school or not. I will see how he feels tomorrow. No use fighting tonight with him because if he still feels bad in the morning he will willingly stay home. Have good night everyone!

a lake

I did not know I lived on a lake but this is the back yard. It rained the other day and the snow melted but with the frost in we had a lake. And the snow went away! Not of course we have a skating rink in the back yard and Stephen can not go play on it as the Er dcotor said no horseing around where he might bump that head again for a few weeks! Bummer for him most likely one more nerve of mine gets to stay intact.

I wish Spring were here but it is cold again.

Silly kids

this is from the other night. Mini and Matthew wanted to wear Daddy shirts to bed. Matthew got his on backward and picked a long sleeve one out so he was swimming in it. And Mini put hers on over her shirt and jeans and wanted to sleep in it just like that! I just had to laugh at them!

Please wake me soon

I know I must be asleep. Mini is worse today. She is not feeling good at all. Then today I got a phone call I knew was the school. I assumed one of the kids were not feeling good. Little did I know Beth would be telling me that Stephen was hurt and I needed to come get him and take him to urgent care. He fell at recess, slipped on ice and hit his head. He has a big bump. The size of a baseball and raised a lot. And when I seen it I knew it was not great. And sure enough off to urgent care we went and then off to the ER as they wanted a CT scan of his head to check for fractures or bleeds. I am happy to report both were negative he has a concussion and we will have to watch him tonight but he will be fine. but he will have a headache for a few days and then he will have to sit out of recess and gym for a week after the headache goes away. And he is not too happy but I am thinking of making him stay home tomorrow. Yea it is causing him to not want to lay down as he wants to show me he is fine but he is pale and he is sleepy and he is dizzy and I do not want him in school. I may call his teacher in the morning find out what time the party is for Valentines day and take him just for that and pick him back up afterward.

After no sleep last night because Mini was coughing and up most of the night I am tired tonight but I will be setting my alarm for 2-3 hour increments to check on Stephen. He has to get woke up every hour till 10pm. but I will check on him tonight just to be sure. Because he is not himself at all.

And here I thought we were getting away with not many bugs this winter. But after that trip to the ER I fear we may come down with bugs as there were alot of sick people puking all over that place!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

a sick house

Dennis stayed home from work yesterday. Mini is sick with a bad cold. It is still in the getting worse each day stage. So yuck for her! And this morning Stephen was not feeling 100% either. Of course he went off to school because we can not be missing school you know and with no fever and no puking I could not keep him home really so off he went.

I did get some funny pictures last night. I will have to update again later. I have to go make lunch for the kids and then get Matthew to school. Then I can come play on here.

Monday, February 09, 2009

in a funk

I am in a funk really. I had a great time at my party. I did not take one picture. Really no one took any pictures. Mom came to celebrate with us. She spent the night to and went to church the next day with us. Then she was off to another birthday party.

It was lots of fun though and we hung out with friends till late. We played the wii. But we did wii fit! That is funny! My dog did not have a heart attack, at all. He came to watch most of the night.

Today I am sore. my legs hurt my head hurts and I think I am coming down with a bug. So not going to be doing much today. The kids are busy playing. Matthew has school today and I need to drop off a note for Samantha at school for later. So I have to go out. But other then that I plan to do nothing. And take a nap later. If I can talk Mini into one that is. Wish me luck!!

Friday, February 06, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

Today I turned 35 or 115 depends on when you ask me! My kids woke me with birthday kisses and Dennis left me a card at my computer. I also got phone calls all morning wishing me a happy birthday and you what it has been. I scrubbed the bathroom upstairs down. Tia came and we finished the rest of the house that was not done. It is spotless. And tomorrow people are coming from all over to visit me for my birthday and I can not wait. I love my birthday and tonight I plan to hang out with my kids and Dennis and not have to do anything. I am goign to finish up the meat and cheese trays for tomorrow here in a bit and then I am done till tomororw morning when the pork bites will go in the slow cooker to cook all good for tomorrow night. And I plan to crack the bottle of Malibu that my friend Lisa dropped off for me. Dennis is on his way home with a cake he ordered for me. I did not have to even order my own cake this year. Life is good.

Take life everyday and love everyday because who know what tomorrow brings!

Monday, February 02, 2009


I know I am behind and i have almost no pictures taken this week. I am cleaning the house to get ready for Sat. I am throwing a party here at the house to celebrate turning 35. Well 115 if you ask the kids but that could be my fault they think that to.

So I am getting ready this week to have company. I can not wait. I love my birthday. So I am behind on getting pictures up and even taking any. Last week I went with to Mom's oncology appt and found out there is another spot. So 3 and her iron is low right now. The doctor thought form bleeding inside Mom thinks from surgery. I do not know which but she is trying iron pills. The doctor also told us what to expect. So it has been a hard week here. And then Friday night I took Mom to the casino to spend the night. Roger is staying at the farm with Mom and that is good because I think her alone is not such a great plan. At the hotel she got lost and could not find our room. So I am glad to hear someone is with her all the time.

Anyway, life is busy here. I will get pictures up later. I need to go finish scrubbing the bathroom. It is shiny!

Stephen and school

so next year Stephen will start the 6th grade. Middle school and no class times. Well this winter we decided to try to get Stephen into the pre-engineering school here in Elk River. It is a magnet school and they take 50 kids each year. 40 from our district and 10 from out of district. We got the letter this week that Stephen got in. And to make this even better so did his best friend! So next year he will go to Salk Middle School and intot he pre-engineering program rather then to Vandenberg. I am so excited for him!