Friday, June 08, 2007

Working on projects

Why this is even going on here I do not know. But least you all think all I do any more is pick up my house in case someone felt the urge to come look at it you would be wrong.

I have some projects sitting on my machine waiting for me to come find time for them. So I took some time yesterday to do 2 of them. They were bags for friends whose daughters are in dance. So I went and found

ballet slippers and put them on their bags with their names. Of course I did not think to get a picture of said bags but I will say they were cute. Dennis was busy taking pictures of me. Since I am never on the blog I guess.

So here I am in my all tiredness glory. And yes Dad yoru shorts are next on the list of projects to get done. As soon as I make one of my bobbins of white go away so I can make it black! So quilting those squares to make them bigger is on the to do list also. But first a good nights sleep. I am in need of one.

If anyone finds out how to make that happen let me know. As last night after kids took over my bed I slept in Matthew's bed and then Mini joined me there. And then I rocked her in a chair till 3 am. If her teeth would just feel the need to come in I know she would sleep all night again. They just do not seem to care that i just want 8 hours of no one saying MOM!!!