My Maria tagged me and I had no intention of doing this but thought why not I am just sitting here anyway laughing aobut it. So I need to list 8 things about me. Then tag 8 more people. I will not be tagging anyone. But I will post 8 things about myself.
1. I am not what I thought I would be now at 33. I am so much more.
2. As I get older I have learned having a few great friends is so much better then having lots of people around you.
3. As a Mom I look around and one day think I am doing such a great job and then the next can look around and wonder how I could be failing so bad at motherhood. And yet my kids love me anyway.
4. I love the quiet of the cabin. I have not got there this year and I can almost hear the quiet of the cabin calling to me. I love to fish but just the quiet and calm that comes from the cabin is calling. The fish themsleves are taunting me to come. But their day will come too!
5. Growing up I thought I wanted to move away from a small town and work in the legal world. Now I just want to move back to the small town world and raise my kids there.
6. As I try to raise 4 kids I have learned that I can stand up for way more then I ever would have had I never had my kids. Never stand between me and my kids or what they need to learn.
7. Being a Mother had showed me how to love. It has showed me how a little being can make your heart grow in a matter of a second. How if something is wrong with them your heart can break in that second too. And how when they hurt I would give anything in the world to trade places with my kids.
8. And last but not least I have learned that even when my kids are being bad they are the lights of my life. All of them have taught me so many lessons in life. And without them I could have never become who I am today.