You know the difference a year makes on birthdays. Last year I did nothing for my birthday. I had just had gullbladder surgery. We had just found out life was chinging. Dennis was looking for a job in Oregon.
This year I bowled for league on my birthday. I got chocolate cake (yes dad the one from Costco!) and when I got to bowling with Dennis I had another cake there. Along with presents from friends. And my boss had gone out and got me a rose. I had phoe calls from Maria and Lisa B and my firend Lisa C had her son on my birthday! What more could I ask for from her?
I bowled my best 2 games of my lifew last night and I made average on the third and we had a blast with Dennis there. This was the best birthday I can remember in a long time. And I get to go out on Sat and bowl with Tia and Kent and Dennis again! Just think Dennis and I will have 3 dates in one week as we went to a movie on Sunday night! Unthinkable!