His neck is getting better and he has surgery scheduled for 6 March 2008 at around 8am. He has not siad he is nervous at all but I can tell he is a bit. But he has a few weeks to forget till it happens. He will miss 1 week of school so I will get his work ahead of time so we can do it ahead of time.
But as long as his neck continues so well I am happy. The tonsils out should make his voice clearer he said and this should not reoccur. His adnoids will also be coming out. We get to go to the surgery center right down from the house the same one Samantha had hers out in 5 years ago. This same time of year. Come to think of it it is the same surgery center I was at for my second surgery last year this same time of year. Maybe it is feburary that is just a rough month for us.
Anyway we are all good here. I will post pictures from yesterday for you all in a few. I need to go get coffee.