I am here for a pit stop at home. Matthew is up at Mercy and Daddy is sitting with him so Mommy could come get a sweatshirt form home and a few things to keep him occupied for the next 24 hours or so. He was really dehydrated when we got admitted and he is doing better now that he has 2 bags of fluid in him. And he will be getting a continues drip once the second bag is pushed in as they want it in faster then the third bag will have to go in.
But he wants t come home and crys anytime it is mentioned that we are staying. I am so sad for him. So if you could all pray that he hangs out like a champ and not fighting this it would be great!
Grandma ran home to get her oxygen and then she is returning to hang out with us till tomorrow. And I am off to go back to the hospital soon as I promised Matthew I would not be gone long. I will take some new shots of him as he gets to feeling better as he is not looking all that great still as he is white and coughing up a storm. They gave him cough meds with codine but it has not seemed to help yet. But all his blood counts came out really good so we are happy with that.