Wednesday, May 16, 2007

He must nto be so bad

Denis got the call tonight that his background check is back and he is clean. No hidden warrents or anything. So all the i's are dotted and the t's crossed and we are Oregon bound!

Well, not really yet. We will be picking who to sell our house this week. It is between 2 people really. And then list right after the holiday. So I will be working hard at getting things together. What will be stored till we sell and what will be given away.

I will update on the kids though and keep this up to date. As really who wants to clean all the time!? This weekend Stephen is having friends over to spend the night for the first time. And Dennis is working for EP this weekend. So a busy weekend coming up.

Stephen is celebrating his birthday early as he want sto have friends from school over. And since this is his last birthday here he can have some friends sleep over.

So tomrrow pictures I promise! I got a really cute one of Stephen and Mini so I will post again tomorrow. But for now it is bed for me as it is late and tomorrow is another day.