Monday, July 20, 2009

Todays plan

Today now I am working once more with Stephen on some things for his merit badge weekend coming up. I am almost done with my first mock up that will be delivered this morning. And some more pictures need to be taken for another merit badge thing for Stephen.

And I hope to take time to just sit with my kids. Mini is having a hard time with me being gone for 4 days. So I plan on sitting and watching kid shows for a bit today. Last night we watch TV in my bed and hung out. She loved it and you know so did I. Just laying there not having a plan. I should have been down here doing these mock ups. But today is another day and they will be done. And Mini loved getting some time with Mom. That made my night.

So today will be more of the same. I may take Dennis out to run with me. I may just take him to lunch. I love that for one day the day is not planned. My calander is free. It has been a long time since a day was all mine and the kids. And as a bonus we have Dennis home with us.