Yes most of my day revolves around Mini going potty and trying to time it when Matthew does not have to go at the same time. Sometimes that does not work out so well.
I was getting ready yesterday to write a post about how great Mini was doing potty training. She refused her undies or her feel n learns. She wanted a diaper I told her no they were for night time only. She then decided to wear nothing. But she did great. She told me each time she had to pee. The she said she had to poop. Well she peed but no poop. But guess what I found the poop in my toy room! So on went a pull up. But then she only knows she has to pee as she starts.
I know just take them away we will learn. But oh how unready for potty training I am. It is that I am lazy you know. I fully admit this. And really why waste diapers?
So we procrastinate a bit more. And hope for no more poop on the floor!