Friday, September 21, 2007

well who knew?

Who knew that having a cold for 2 weeks and it was not getting better would be a sinus infection? Yea I have been sick for 2 weeks now. Which is why I have not been able to go see Joe in person. Well I finally gave in went to the doctor and I have a sinus infection. So now I am on antibiotics and I am assured I will feel better soon. I must admit it has been 2 hours since I took the meds and I do not feel different. But let me tell you 800 mg of IB sure made me a happy Mom again!

I talked with Linda today and she talked to Kay and she said Joe was looking good last night. And he got out of bed on his own and sat and talked. So if anyone else goes to see Joe give me an update please. I should be able to go see him soon now that I am on meds.

So there ya have it! We are all on the mend! And mini still is all loving to Mommy after last night. See so I must not be so nad after all! She is sound asleep on my bed as I type.