Thursday, September 20, 2007

I wish I had the answers

You know as a Mom I try to keep it all together. Tonight I failed at it. Since Mini is not sleeping in a crib, (which I have failed to get down yet) she is not staying in bed to sleep either. She wants me to come lay with her then she goes right to bed. Or she comes downstairs and watches what else but Dora, then fall asleep. Well tonight Samantha was sleeping in the boys room, as she likes to do. So I thought tonight I will put Rose to bed and close the door. And she will either stay in bed or end up on the floor.

I went in the basement thinking I would hear her on the monitor. Not knowing someone, (most likely Mii herself) had played with it and had it on vibrate. So I could not hear her. And Dennis watching a movie on the main level could only hear her sometimes so he thought she was sleeping. Then cry a bit then sleep again. Well I went up to put Matthew to bed as now that she does not stay in bed he comes down to. I heard her sobbing up there. I asked Dennis if she had been crying the whole time? And laid Matthew down in his bed and she had cried till she threw up in her room.

Not my shining moment as a Mother. So after cleaning her up and finding out Dora blanket got puked on as did her ni ni blanket I am doing laundry and feeling like the worst Mom. Because really I know someday she will put herself to sleep again. And laying with her in not going to kill either of us. I will not do a repeat of tonight.

I wish I had the answers before finding out the hard way that this was a bad call on my part. So now she is tucked safe and sound in clean jamies and Matthew's dora blanket with her Daddy. Sleeping peacefully. And most likely knowing she now has Mommy and Daddy ready to bend on the sleeping rule because above all else she is smart. And really i would have it no other way.