The kids did really good considering it rained a lot. And they played on the floor of the cabin with the bucket of toys. They also went out int he rain and got wet! LOTS! They played in the sand box and Dennis got them to brush off most of it before coming in the cabin. The took them and washed them from head to toe since they were not the same color as they went outside as.
They also found new friends to play with Sat and they found the swamp and of course went through it not around it while playing and got wet. Not as wet mind you as their new friends who I am not sure had been in the swamp before. Who upon getting out had to change their pants shirts jackets and socks and shoes. Mine only got their socks and shoes wet. Well Matthew got his pants wet too since it was up to his knees wet. But the noise they made and happy noise at that was well worth the extra laundry I got to do.