Yea we went to the cabin! Now you all know that makes this a happy woman! But you guessed it. It rained! A lot!
We got there Wed night at midnight or so and it was raining. It rained all day Thur and most of Friday. Sat it was beautiful. Of course we had to come home Sat. But the morning was great!
The first picture is of Mini in her new winter coat. And the second is of Matthew and Mini dragging sticks to the fire ring in case it ever stopped raining so we could light said fire. Of course they got soaked getting the wood!
The third picture is what children will do if it rains all day! We were working int he shed. And Peter had brought up 2 4 wheelers and Dad's was there to. So they hopped on while we cut the tin on th side of the shed. Loud is all I can say about doing that!