Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I know I know

I know I have not updated in awhile. Why? No clue really. Not much to say I guess.

Sunday we went to see Joe Jr at the farm. We had lunch with lots of family and we wore poor Joe out. We left at 3pm but my Matthew did not wish to come with us so for the first time ever he is having a sleep over. Yes not just one sleep over but 3. He is coming home tomorrow! It is so very quiet here at home. No constant chatter from my little boy. Stephen and Samantha are missing him as well. They want their hugs each morning and after school. Mini wants her partner in crime. Though I must say she is not causing nearly the amount of trouble. I wonder who puts some of those ideas in her head that now she is not doing any of them?

Dennis and I miss him to as no one is sneaking in bed with me in the morning. And really he is a good little guy. But Mom and Dad say he is doing great and playing really well with his little cousins who come to play with him. And I know he is having a blast! But tomorrow will be a good day as he comes home.