Is that even a word? Well it should be. Sunday night we once again lite a fire. Poor grant had no idea I could burn so much wood. I am a fan of fires and sitting by them for long long hours. At 10pm we sent the kids in and Lisa and I sat alone at the fire to visit. Quiet time with just her and I. Well it did lead to a few extra beers being comsumed then we planned. And a few trips into the house for more beer and a few trips to the woods for more wood. If you want to laugh think of 2 women who normally do not drink more then 2 beers with 6 in them and trying to find wood in the dark. so hence we found a light to lead the way. And then felt compelled ot take a picture of ourselves. And then call Lisa's friend Cricket over for a beer to. Which she brought us beer and some shots. And she took a picture of us to. And of the bottles. But you know we had such a great time sitting by the fire burning wood drinking and laughing our butts off at the dumbest of things and it is just what I needed. Time with my sister. I wish it could be more often. So I will plan a fire night the next time she is here in MN as I wuld not miss it for the world.
Sorry Lisa I do not get hang overs but the tylenol seemed to clear yours up fast! Thank you for sucha great trip out there!