Wednesday, August 15, 2007

a short update

This will be short as I have so very much to do today!

Thanks to everyone for wondering about my foot. Last night for the first time it was not so sore at night that I had to ice it. SO it is finally getting better. I had over did it big time on thurday and it was sore till yesterday from that. So taking it easy seems to be the answer for that for now. I can almost walk on the bottom of my foot without it bothering too much so it is healing just slower then I think it should.

We left for Michigan on Friday morning early and arrived at 8:30 at night. It was a long trip and i have pictures so I will get them up soon I promise but today is for unpacking and getting my house in order.

We got back last night. And those of you wondering we did not have any damage to the house or property from the big wind storm that went through in our absence. Though we did lose power but it is on now.

And this is longer then I intended so I am off to get things done in the house here and the lawn needs mowing in the worst way.