Monday, August 27, 2007

off to the cabin

car is loaded headed to cabin will return thur!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Mini wears a ponytail

Yes it has come to the time that I must start doing Mini me's hair sometimes. So she had her first pony tail in last week. I can not believe her hair is long enough but it is. The sides could grow a bit yet but she seems to like wearing them as she left it in. Though at nap it falls out as her hair is so fine yet.

You will notice the one on the couch she looks so angelic. Do not believe it. The girl has been up for 4 nights straight. Her Mommy is in need of a lot of sleep. But the poor thing is cutting her 4 eye teeth and they are giving her more then a bit of trouble. Now we seem to have a summer cold to top it off. So to the doctor she went today but no ear infection which is what I thought it was. So cold meds and to bed with her and low and behold she took a nap today for the first time in 4 days. And the bottom picture is our bed one morning. Like I said a few rough nights here and so 2 kids in bed with us means no sleep for me. Dennis seems to be able to ignore it all much better then me.

So you are all caught up on us and it is 1:30 in the morning and for the first time Mini is not up so I am off to bed to. Anyone who wants to come on Sat we are having a gathering of family and friends to break the house back in now that it is off the market. And say farewell to summer as school is fast appoarching here!


We got back form Michigan and we went bowling on Thur with our friends Tia and Kent. Matthew had a slight accident and fell off the bench. He fell on his head. (of course if you are my child you would do that to give everyone a heart attack and really no bruises is over rated right?) So the poor manager gave him an ice pack but he kept bowling! And I did good which I was surprised after a summer off I kept my 120 average. We bowled 2 games and called it a night. Mini did not bowl she sat with Tia's dad while we bowled and ate ice chips. But as you can see it did not hurt her feeling at all!

A sisterly night

Is that even a word? Well it should be. Sunday night we once again lite a fire. Poor grant had no idea I could burn so much wood. I am a fan of fires and sitting by them for long long hours. At 10pm we sent the kids in and Lisa and I sat alone at the fire to visit. Quiet time with just her and I. Well it did lead to a few extra beers being comsumed then we planned. And a few trips into the house for more beer and a few trips to the woods for more wood. If you want to laugh think of 2 women who normally do not drink more then 2 beers with 6 in them and trying to find wood in the dark. so hence we found a light to lead the way. And then felt compelled ot take a picture of ourselves. And then call Lisa's friend Cricket over for a beer to. Which she brought us beer and some shots. And she took a picture of us to. And of the bottles. But you know we had such a great time sitting by the fire burning wood drinking and laughing our butts off at the dumbest of things and it is just what I needed. Time with my sister. I wish it could be more often. So I will plan a fire night the next time she is here in MN as I wuld not miss it for the world.

Sorry Lisa I do not get hang overs but the tylenol seemed to clear yours up fast! Thank you for sucha great trip out there!

Of course there was a fire!

Of course we had a fire. Well 2 actually but this one is Sat night. First is our fire and the second is Lisa and Dennis sitting by the fire. And then Miss Mini being all cute in nothign but her shoes and diaper. Yea her butt was bad by then and it made for fast chages as we were changing her lto to try to make it stop.

BBQ Ribs

Ok so this is a bit fuuny really. We decided to do ribs on the BBQ. Well Lisa poured in the coals. (way to many we deemed later)
Mini laughing at us as we (notice I say we I decided with her but made Lisa do all the dirty work!)pull a great many of the coals to the side by the smoking part to lower the heat by 200 degrees. (did I mention we needed a lot less coals!)
Moving the coals over. Wel i went over to pull them over but needed a picture first! But the 3 count them 3 racks of ribs were gone at the end of the meal and we had no left overs so they must have come out good in the end!

Lisa's Dog Buddy

Here is the dog Nancy! You wanted to see him. He is rather cute.

Lisa's House

The kids swam in the pool 3 days. of course it rained on us one day. And Lisa spoiled the kids rotten! They loved every minute of it! And Mini found food! I know you are shocked my this! The kids made us a ring in the pool and had such a good time playing in there. And after a long days drive the night before Matthew and Dennis snuck nap in on Sat! And if you notice Mini's diaper hanging off her little butt there is a very good reason for that. The poor thing seems to get worked up over being away form her home. So after 24 hours of being gone the last 3 trips we have made she gets a sore butt. And magically with in 12 hours of being home it is gone. So we have come to decide she just gets nervous or something but it does not do too much damage just a sore bottom that she then pulls at her diaper. And nothing I have tried so far makes the rash go away or even get somewhat better while away. So if anyone has any ideas please share them with me as I hate that her butt bleeds because we are not home here.

Mackinac Bridge

coming to the toll part of the Mackinac Bridge. I hate to admit this but having to go over this big of a bridge so soon after the 35W bridge collapse was hard for me. It seemed to take an hour but the return trip it was over before I knew it. I was driving both time it was just hard being the first time over a big bridge I guess. But it was a beautiful bridge!

Dennis took the photos hanging out of the cara bit and holding it above his head to get the towers. He is nuts yes! But it is a slow drive accross. And the pictures we got were really neat in all honesty!

On the road to Michigan

One of many bridges we got to go over. I loved the iron work on it so Dennis took a picture. Well as you will see he took a ton of pictures of stuff and things. But it does saya family trip like nothing else!
Lake Michigan this is the first time I seen any great lake other then Superior. So it was neat to see. The kids thought it was another Ocean.
You maybe asking why we have a picture of the back of a car. Well we were farther off and were wondering if it was an Oregon plate way out here so Dennis zoomed it in and started taking pictures to see what state the cars were form. I swear Michigan as 5 or 6 different plates out there!
We did nto stop but it did get us to take a picture. We found out later it is a wax museum. But it is a 12 hour drive out there and since we planned no over night stay since it was a short trip out we did not get to play tourist. But some day!
Dennis figured in case he did not get a deer this year he best get a picture of the one he dreams of!
More open road shots. It was a beautiful day to drive though. It took us 13 1/2 hours to drive out plus we lost an hour going out. It only took 12 1/2 hours coming home as the kids rode much nicer. And we gained the hour coming back so it was not bad.
This looked just neat and if we had the time we would have gone in to check it all out. As it just seemed cool and something that a tourist should go do.
Dennis saw this plane and had to have a shot of it. I am not going to say how many plane blue sky shots we had till i deleted them. But he figured he may never see a bi plane flying so had to have the shot! And now onto the big bridge shots!

Monday, August 20, 2007

National Night out

National Night out was the Tuesday before we left. The kids got to climb in a water tanker. Not too exciting to look at but they all loved it the same.

Mini and Stephen got to blow the horn! Loud is all i can say!

Playing in the sprinkler

I did not realize I still had photos on the camera from before MI so I am about to catch us up again! It is almost midnight so I hope to get done tonight!

The kids love the little sprinkler and ran in it while I packed the week of our trip. It was hot here!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

a short update

This will be short as I have so very much to do today!

Thanks to everyone for wondering about my foot. Last night for the first time it was not so sore at night that I had to ice it. SO it is finally getting better. I had over did it big time on thurday and it was sore till yesterday from that. So taking it easy seems to be the answer for that for now. I can almost walk on the bottom of my foot without it bothering too much so it is healing just slower then I think it should.

We left for Michigan on Friday morning early and arrived at 8:30 at night. It was a long trip and i have pictures so I will get them up soon I promise but today is for unpacking and getting my house in order.

We got back last night. And those of you wondering we did not have any damage to the house or property from the big wind storm that went through in our absence. Though we did lose power but it is on now.

And this is longer then I intended so I am off to get things done in the house here and the lawn needs mowing in the worst way.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Not broke

my foot that is! So very happy to report t hat it is just a deep sprain and it willnot require anything on my foot other then care not todo it again.

So in a bit here it should be feeling better and I can walk better today then yesterday so that must be good. Though I walked better yesterday morning too till I was up to long.

So I will be careful for a while and then be back to runnign around so much easier again!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

my foot

ok so now that I am all caught up I can tell you about my little problem with my foot. Last night I went out to the garage to get steaks for supper. There was a toy bat laying under the door that I did not see and I stepped on it and it of course then felt the need to roll out and I rolled with it. My last 4 toes are now not moving so great. And they are swollen but not too bad. So tomorrow I will go in have them x-ray it see if it is broken. Though it does not hurt like I am thinking a broken bone would. So most likely it is a sprain but it is a challenege walking at the moment. And it is a challenege doing almost anything. So I sit here now with my foot up and ice on it. And when it is frozen then it does not hurt so much to walk on it. It snapped once today while walking so I am thinking it was out of joint and it popped back in so that must be good.

So I will update tomorrow after I go to the doctor to see what he has to say about me. Dumb is what it is. As I hate going to see the doctor but I am thinking if they put a boot on it will feel so very much better then it does right now. So wish me luck!

Matthew and Mini

Matthew wanted to eat his cereal down to the last bit so was drinking his milk. Mini was busy laughing at him. Matthew was in heaven as we have given up eating sugar cereal here at home. So the chance to eat some needs to be savored down to the last drop!

Big Club House Lake

This is Mike's bay

This is the island

These are shots of the lake up at the cabin. And you wonder why I love that lake. The views are just beautiful. And in the fall I will get some of the color too. We did nto go through the narrows this time so I do not have any of Iowa bay but I will get some yet. This shot is of the narrows.