Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tubing with Tia and Kent

Yes this is Matthew and Dennis out on a tube! Matthew loved it till they fell of! But he laughed and waved and wanted to go faster!

Samantha out on the tube!
Dennis and Matthew after they got back in the boat from tubing. It wore Matthew out and he was all ready to go back to shore when he was done here. He slept hard that night!

Stephen on the tube, he did really good! And went way longer then I thought he would with how fast we went!

When we got close to the landing. The older kids wanted to swim in to shore. So I jumped in to swim to. Matthew wanted to swim to so he rode on my back and I swam us into shore. We had a blast out on the boat and tubes with Kent and Tia and the kids! We are trying to plan another outing yet this summer.