So just to catch you up here are the last of the pictures. At least for now.
Matthew I swear is a contortionist! He sat here in this chair playing for the longest time. And kept going back to that postion. It hurt me to watch!
Mini was busying playing with the truck. Much to busy to be smiling for me!
I know I know there are not many pictures of the older kids. I promise to force them to sit. I will get some up of them if it kills them!
The blanket is the finished blues clues one I did for Ashley Kate the little girl from Texas. I think it turned out great!
Nanacy here is the start of the blanket. The stitching alone will take 56 minutes so it will be later this evening before I can get it up to show you how it turned out. It is a big design. He best like it is all I can say!