well depending on how you take it all it is good and bad news.
She weighed in at 62 pounds and is 51 1/2 inches tall in the 70% for both height and weight so perfect in everyway!!
She is a healthy 8 year old with 3 teeth missing but they are coming in. Now onto what she sees as the worst news in the world right now.
Samantha will be gonig to see an eye doctor when i can get her an appointment as she is seeing 20/100 out of one eye and 20/40 out of the other. With both open it is 20/50 so there iwll be glasses in her near future. She is so sad. As she thinks it is not normal so please when you see her in them later make sure to say how cute she is as I am sure she will be adorable!
Her other issue is she has scoliosis. Yes her mother seems to have passed on this lovely little issue to her. So we will be watching it very close and we will get a set of x-rays of her each year to watch it change and go from there. As we have 8 or so years of growth left to go we know it will change. So say a prayer t does not get too bad and need anythign done with it.
So Samantha is tucked in bed after a dr appointment and girl scout graduation. She is ok with the thought of glasses now as Mom and Dad wear them but the thought of being teased has her up in arms. So say a prayer this all goes well for her. As I hate the thought of her being upset.