Friday, March 02, 2007

Dennis tries to help the trees

I was concerned with the ehavy snow on my pine trees it was hurting the branches so Dennis braved the deep snow and used a broom to knock it off. But notice the snow is well over his boots. Poor guy gets sent out to freeze to death by the whife! Though he got to plow another foot off the driveway this morning he loved that!
The swing set is so funny to watch as we can see how deep the snow is now as the one has a spinny thing on it but it is all gone now. Matthew is not sure it will come back he thinks the earth swalled it up and it is gone. So we had a sad boy here this morning. he is not sure he likes all the snow on the deck either. So I may just have to go out and shovel it off so he can see it is fine under there.