Monday, July 13, 2009

playing at the park

We met up with the Crosby's for some fun at the park last Thur. We had a picnic lunch and some fun running and playing. A quick game of kick ball and then it was time to come home and put some children to bed for a nap! I wish I had been one of the children but I was not.
But they were tired. Mini of course tried to get out of the car side ways before we left the park. Fell out of said car in her carseat. Face planted onto the tar. She wanted to come see me. And since I had not buckled her in yet she thought why not. Now why she chose to get out by leaning I will never know. But she got some scrapped up knees, a bloody lip and all was well in a minute. Her mothers heart took a few to settle down but she was happy as soon as I held her.
Anyway we got home and we took naps and we hung out at home the rest of the day.