Monday, July 13, 2009

boys will be boys?

Mini put her hat on Stephen. He let her then he let me take a picture. I love that he is ok with laughing at himself. I love that he lets his little sister make him look funny. I love that he lays so nice with her. I really love this goof ball!
twitch was not in the mood for a picture.

I got him anyway. He hung out on my lap while we watched a fire with friends.

And a fire we had. And it got to sit up by it till late and just sit and relax. it was nice having a night to not run. Dennis had to work late so he did not get to join in. But other then that I could not have asked for a nicer night.

The boys crashed out on the floor. There was nothing left in them. I had to work hard to get Stephen to wake enough to head upstairs. I can not just pick him up and tuck him in anymore.
The girls had made their own way up earlier. And I followed these boys up and tucked myself into bed. Dennis was still not home. But he got in and we got to hang out Sat and Sunday together.