Friday, June 08, 2007

Lifeis a lot of work

Sometimes a boy just needs to find a good spot on Mom's floor and pass out. I mean sleep. Matt

hew can run run run and then it gets quiet and he is just not in this world anymore. He is dreaming of running but his little legs are not going anymore.

And I love it! My little baby boy is going to turn 4 soon and I do not know how that can be! But he still loves to cuddle with Mom and he still prefers to go to sleep in my bed. And then is fine with going to his as soon as I need my bed for me. What a sweet thing. And then will come cuddle with me in the morning and put his cold little feet on me to warm up as he cuddles in. You have got to love the morning before the sunrises when a sweet smelling little boy wants to cuddle with you for nothing but your warmth!